Sun Protection – ARE YOU SUN SMART ENOUGH? This is a big question, with the terrible effects of the sun causing premature aging, sun damage and skin cancer, do we do enough for ourselves and our children & grandchildren? The old saying of Slip, Slop, Slap – is this enough? I have given you a […]

How to Care for your Swimwear

Care for your swimwear with Tog wash

So I purchased my swimwear that I needed that “last longer” You took that step and found out about Chlorine Resistant swimwear, great work.  Now you ask yourself, how do I care for my swimwear to keep them looking good for as long as I can? If you have already visited Jem one of the […]

Bathers – Why are they falling apart?


Bathers – Why are they falling apart? Buying Swimwear is as bad as going to the dentist and then they fall apart on you!!! Yes, swimwear shopping can be very tough but with the right information, you can make it a good experience…… So your bathers have fallen apart yet again.  Why after all my […]